Paint the fiery crimson red against the Prussian blue..,
Sing in voices that ring out loud and clear..,
Dance through sunshine and rain..,
Write words that echo in hearts..,
Travel to far off lands..,
Act out life..,
Speak your heart.., let all creative juices flow freely. I find it an exhilarating experience when I discover ‘The Beauty’ but it’s equally amazing when I see it though someone else’s interpretation.
To sense and then to express it is by far the most enriching experience. It is an entire churning process when one banks on his ‘inward eye’ to replay the short brief one witnessed and then relish and re-create his own interpretation. My creation makes the transient moment immortal. I become a creator, the canvass, the colours are all waiting for me to make that one stroke that define, express and give shape to that little restless feeling inside. Ah! That restlessness that will not let me eat, drink, sleep or ignore it easily.
I create and then I share. I am not afraid of judgments and comparisons though I secretly wish for all the praises and kudos but I still want to share. I want it to identify me. I have internalized it giving it a part of me. I contribute to the coffers of expression my creation; perhaps some discerning eye can see ‘me’ behind it.
There are also times when I vicariously live through the whole experience of climbing the Everest, diving the deepest oceans, giving an opera performance, winning a tough game and sometimes losing a bitter fight. It’s a magic someone else creates that makes me transcend the pettiness of my living and dream big and wild!
Let each one discover his magic, then deftly craft his magic carpet and then swoop over valleys and rivers and ensnare people and make them swoon!!!
This post resulted from some random browsing through the following pages.
Just sifting through the FIFA posters designed by people-whom i obviously don't know. I was intrigued by the thought, the creativity and the expression-the design. Just one theme and so many ideas!!! It was magical..