Thursday, September 9, 2010

Strange Mornings..

You wake up midway, rubbing your eyes. Still lingering in a half baked dream, You still carry with you a trace of that taste, but strangely can't decide if you actually like it or despise it, you still have an appetite for it but the feast is not to be served any more...

The facade was imposing, very strong as a fortress with thick stony walls. It didn't stand tall, it was stout and strong and stony. Very hard, very ornamental. There were numerous gates, She wondered which one would open if She went ahead and knocked. She entered through a door not spreading out open and inviting but just letting Her in scornfully. The air inside was so condescending, so stifling as if its freshness was all trapped in the complex ornate maze.

It made Her so uncomfortable and yet ironically in Her dreams everything She saw was His dream of life. The structure was His, each brick, each stone He had laid by Himself. It all transpired from Him and She was left all trapped, looking for that door which would let Her out.

Did she make it to the door...?

A lame weird feeling.. that's all I recall...

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