Sunday, February 2, 2014

Can you laugh?

Some people I know can really laugh! Everyone can smile(mostly) but not everyone can laugh free and loud. I would first like to establish that there is a difference between a smile and a laugh, before I begin to describe the different laugh faces.

A laugh is open-both literally(you open your mouth) and figuratively(you open your heart). A good laugh is loud and clear. A good laugh is honest but not necessarily polite. A good laugh changes your countenance in noticeable ways- red cheeks, a little breathlessness, watery eyes, some people just begin to roll on the ground and some have to go for a wee-wee break!

A laugh is more dramatic than a smile in every way yet it is less confusing than a polite smile. Did he smile at me because he likes me, or am I reading too much..? Did the interviewer smile because he was impressed or he was inwardly laughing at my misery and stupidity? Why did that person give me a smile, do I know him? A smile is a border-line affair on a curve, most of the times you are guessing which side you are, on the other hand a laugh simply implies that something is genuinely funny. Smile is just too multi-functional and multi-dimensional for easy comprehension. A laugh is multidimensional as well(as I would soon explain in the next paragraph) but it has a singularity of purpose and so less confusing.

Lets explore the dimensional differences between different laughing styles.  Now this person I know when he laughs you can barely see his eyes, its like his cheeks hide away the eyes..there is someone when he smiles, there is this vein in his forehead that just swells up like a little continuation of his nose. Someone else who tears up completely when she laughs-teardrops the size of fat rain drops. I know of someone who has to tightly hold her stomach and open her mouth to breathe in so that she doesn't choke herself. There is someone who laughs so loudly that a closed room vibrates, another guy who sounds like a high pitched female when he laughs real loud. There are others who add some more dimensions to a loud laugh- clapping their hands, banging a table, tapping their feet. Its a performance!

At this point I should clarify that I am a dismal laugh person, i have to make do with smiling most of the times and I am envious of people who can laugh heartily. 
And if you have read this far, you perhaps already know if you can really "Laugh" proudly in your own signature style with no care for the world or for people like me who'll go ahead and write a blog about you!


  1. This could have been an episode in Seinfeld!!! and haannn you missed out my signature... Just the air... inaudible!!!

  2. I thought i covered u in the high pitched female laugh.. so high frequency that its inaudible to human ears.. but sorry I should have been more specific..
    beta i can't think my signature stye.. i'm even more lame than you.

  3. u'r the one with the hic!!! gust of air followed by a hic!!! :D

  4. hw observant bhai.. hic hic!!!!

  5. ur just feeling JJ...cause im a head turner :P (in a way) hihi

  6. @sr don't choke urself to death at ur own joke :P
