Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Yellow post-it

Yellow post it notes.
Will u take away all my chores once I confess to thee?
Perhaps not!
Before I begin to write the long list of things that need to done,
I paused for a moment deciding which one to put on the top as the ‘the most important’

It’s a funny realization when you can’t quite make up your mind about that..
Anyways in the rush of writing, I scribbled 10 things without taking a break 

It’s a funny realization when you walk away from your desk only to rush back again
The ‘most important’ just missed the list somehow

I have never gambled in life
I have played a game of poker just once, and lost everything but $2
And traded the $2 for a cold bottle of water at an overpriced vending machine
I drink the water and think of the one lottery that is about to change my life..
Only if I had learnt to gamble in life!

Gambling everything and then taking the outcome in your own stride..
Its a tough lesson!
It's a funny realization that perhaps this is ‘the most important’thing
Here it goes on top of my list in the yellow post-it..


  1. Well Dear Lady, Life is but a gamble.... Even so it presents ample opportunities and each works out for one's benefit... Moral->Whatever happens is for the best.. Be Patient.

  2. Well dear Brother,it is a different ball game to live it than to mouth it, but I still feel good when I read it in a comment you leave at my blog :)

    This too shall pass...

  3. 'I'm gonna be an optimist about this../I'm gonna be an optimist about this...'
    The correct lines happen to be:
    How am I gonna be an optimist about this? How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
    Well you hear what you to want to hear!

  4. wooooh.....i can feel the love! bring it on :)
    yeah it will be fine i know it now. thanks kiddos!

  5. "When I try to decipher the rustle of the leaves.I try to look beyond the hurt of being cast down on the ground, of lying there trampled beneath feet. All those sounds that I hear around me are not cries. At least that's what i want to believe. I want to believe that they are promises, they are reassurances, they are words that say believe that things will change. Believe that the winds will usher in new life. Believe that its all a part of a plan and someone up above has something good in store for us."
    -- Words of some great writer
