Thursday, September 11, 2014

Dreaming Apples!

It was frog green, you might as well call it ugly. It would screech and growl with clenched jaws and still not reach a speed of 40kmph.  It would breathe in fresh pure air of the hills and exhale out dense black fumes from its garbled lungs. It huffed and puffed and belched as it tried to squeeze through narrow serpentine roads overlooking cliffs and valleys and at each hilly turn, all the skinny passengers aboard that bus gingerly clutched any adjacent bars, handles or rods for fear of being rolled off by the mischievous centrifugal force..

The mid-aged fellow behind the wheels looked least bit athletic but he showed sufficient dexterity when he steered the big black steering wheel, carefully manoeuvring the big fat bus around tricky turns and bends.
The bus conductor in turn had a gift of the garb starting instant conversation pertaining to weather (dhoop), potato prices and condition of roads with on-boarding passengers (favorite topic of conversation for Paharis) while tearing out tickets.
Between the two of them they ran a successful courier business, carrying packages back and forth between families living along the bus route and for their services they were well paid- fruits, vegetables, cooked meals, winter clothing and occasionally a pack of cigarettes.

As for the bus route it was an absolute delight, passing through the lower Himalayan ranges with occasional views of the glistening snow capped mountains. Step farming is a common practice here, the green-carpeted stairs look inviting for a jumping match. Tall pine trees, Oak trees and Deodar trees form a dense canopy hiding the elusive sun. Many a dark nights people run into a stray leopard roaming these dense jungles. The route is undoubtedly scenic however each season has a different highlight. In winters there is nothing more inviting than fresh snow-carpeted hills with brightly colored birds hopping and leaving their footprints around. The early spring is the season of fresh green shoots and bright red rhododendron blossoms. The monsoon season ushers in the fruit season- apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, strawberries, pomegranate, almonds, some very native fruits like small dark ‘kafal’.. It’s a long list.

This is a magical story of a journey for a little impressionable girl onboard this bus going to her Nani’s home in the hills.  Mesmerized by the pristine beauty, and slightly lightheaded by the circuitous journey she unconsciously drifted into a dreamlike state where her imagination further accentuated reality to create a beautiful tantalizing memory for her adult life.
That monsoon season was very generous to the hills, and the trees were bent with heavy load of fruits. The bus meandered through the narrow road flanked by apple orchards on either side. Sitting tall in the bus she was at a good height to survey the colorful apple trees around. The branches of the apple trees seemed so close that they almost brushed against the bus. A shiny red apple caught her dreamy eyes and with all the agility she could muster she plucked it right off the tree while sitting inside the moving bus. Ah.. What a moment of absolute delight! Wonder if anyone had ever done that before.  She took a victory bite and the juicy apple was quite a mouthful..
What joy lies in the simple luxuries of life, like eating a Delicious apple and gazing through the window at the passing hills!
Imagine a long drive and just when you feel a little hungry or a little thirsty you can just pull an apple from thin air. This little memory fills me with joy and a part of me still believes that you can get lucky enough for an apple on the go!

I drove through this route again after more than 20 years. The fat ugly bus was politely ignored; the route was just as scenic and magical. As for the re-run of the apple story, I had to console myself with buying a bag of apples by a vendor sitting by the road side.. 

For some reason certain dreams, memories and impressions are more vivid, beautiful, tantalizing and real-life than well real-life! Sometimes our dreams embody our deepest desires and wishes in their truest form, more than we concede in any waking hour. I wake up sometimes smiling inwardly at a weird conversation I had with a long lost friend, sometimes a forgotten childhood memory plays out and sometimes I just eat apples off a moving bus :)

                                     Maa enjoying an apple..

PS: This post is not about Apple watch or any of its kins..


  1. Beautiful imagery... This is indeed one of your finest works..

    I felt as if i were living the dream :)

  2. Tank u bhai :) I can always trust you to leave a flattering comment!
