Friday, November 25, 2011

Incorrigible optimism

As I look outside my window. I realize that winter is all around. The fall colors are gone.. the leaves lie rustling on the ground trying to have a hushed conversation with the trees that adorned them once. What could they talk about? What could they possibly share. Its the end of a conversation. The leaves will be blown away with the next wind and there will be far away.. all the dry dead leaves awaiting their burial. The tree will stand just where it is and wait for the spring to come to adorn it once again with new fresh leaves. The cycle will begin once again, the cycle of Life and Death. The beauty of fresh arrival and the bitter sweet pain of death and decay. It is the template nature follows.
When I try to decipher the rustle of the leaves.I try to look beyond the hurt of being cast down on the ground, of lying there trampled beneath feet.  All those sounds that I hear around me are not cries. At least that's what i want to believe. I want to believe that they are promises, they are reassurances, they are words that say believe that things will change. Believe that the winds will usher in new life. Believe that its all a part of a plan and someone up above has something good in store for us.
Surprisingly I try to sound convinced about my own theory only when I see someone else losing faith. I tower over my own doubts and misgivings and tell him to believe. Believe beyond reason that things will be fine! I myself have less of an inkling of where I am going and so just to lull myself for a moment I smile and think, 'why dis kolavari kolavari diii'. Its something you don't know, you just take in the craziness, to make light of the somber winter around in the hope of having an effervescent conversation with the sun, the leaves, the trees and the the breeze one spring morning :)


  1. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane....
    Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.

  2. Hope, it is quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strengths, and your greatest weakness- Matrix
